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Starting the Journey

July 7, 2020
Starting the Journey

Illustration inspired by Jay Fletcher

For the past year, I've pondered whether to begin writing and sharing about the things I'm tinkering with - not only as a way to pull back the curtain a bit on desiging products, but also a way to begin tracking my progress on learning new things. I also want to share things I find interesting and maybe even spotlighting the designs of other products.

Expect to see sketches and ideas about some of the recent tools and ideas I've been playing with:

  • Figma plugins
  • Design token tooling
  • Prototyping
  • Design portfolios 😭
  • SwiftUI/Flutter
  • React, Next.js, Gatsby

Besides design/development tools, I've also been thinking about how designers fit in teams and how cross-team collaboration works between different team structures (eg. solo designers to large design teams).

I have alot of other thoughts and hobbies (β˜•οΈ, πŸš΄β€β™€οΈ, 🚘), so maybe I'll sprinkle some of those in as well.

If you have an idea or want to hear my take on something in particular, let me know by filling out the form below.

Stay tuned!

Have feedback?

I'd love to see if this was helpful or if there was anything I should look to update - let me know below!

Hey, I'm Ryan.πŸ‘‹

I'm a designer and .

More about me→